July 7, 2024

Dabo Swinney has been recognized for his unwillingness to adapt to modern college football practices.

Swinney has repeatedly rejected the transfer site and NIL. Clemson was chastised for not pursuing any portal additions earlier this offseason.

Swinney spoke at the ACC Spring Meetings about how difficult it may be to explain college football to prospects. According to Clemson’s head coach, it varies every year.

“Right now we just focus on what we can control. The answers that you had last year are different than they are this year. I mean we’re just in this crazy time of very, very rapid, unsustainable change,” Swinney said. “And that’s why it’s not sustainable in certain areas. So then it changes again. And then it changes again. But I think we’re heading into a good place.”

While college football is at an interesting crossroads, Swinney is confident that a happy medium is on the horizon.

“I know it’s complete chaos right now,” Swinney said. “But I think we’ll come out the other side and we’ll have a good situation for everyone, for all of college football — for the players, for the coaches, for the fans. Everybody. We’re just not quite there yet.”

At Clemson, Swinney wants to ensure his players graduate and become better people.

“Regardless of what’s going on, the purpose hasn’t changed for us. It hasn’t changed one second. Not one word,” Dabo Swinney said. “It’s about graduation. It’s about equipping them as men. It’s about having a good experience and it’s about winning a championship. That’s what it’s been about since ‘09 and in 2024 it’s still about that.

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