July 7, 2024

Dan Campbell, the Lions’ head coach, wants eve

ry defensive back on the roster to know he has a chance to start in the secondary.

Campbell claimed the secondary is so open right now that he doesn’t know who will start in Week One. But Campbell believes this is a good thing because so many defensive backs are accomplishing everything asked of them throughout the offseason program.

“It’s a great place to be in. We have so many options right now, so much competitiveness,” Campbell said. “The talent level, the competitiveness, the versatility, honestly, we have no idea who our starting lineup is gonna be right now, and it’s exciting. It’s so good. There’s no telling who’s gonna be our outside corners, who’s gonna be our nickel, who’s gonna be our safeties. This thing is wide open across the board. It’s gonna be great to let these guys compete and go after it and see who goes, who’s gonna be the most reliable guys for us, who’s gonna be the most dependable. It’s exciting.”

Identifying the right starters in the secondary may be the most important job for the Lions’ coaching staff over the next three months.

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