September 17, 2024

Big guitar solos, fans flashing their boobs and Tommy Lee threatening to get out his manhood – Mötley Crüe and Def Leppard certainly lived up to their infamous 80s ways.

With two full sets from the rockers, it was a jam-packed evening full of glam rock goodness.

Mötley Crüe donned their infamous characters and had the crowd going on a sunny afternoon in Sheffield, with a set filled with theatrical props that could rival Spinal Tap (or not quite…).

From glow up guitars to a ginormous inflatable woman and hanging crosses – they had it all.

Vince Neil, who has changed a lot since his rock n roll heyday, was even supported with two all-singing, all-dancing women nicknamed the Nasty Habits.

They proved a welcome distraction from Vince’s slightly less agile stage movements, 40 years on from his debut.

Whilst it may not pass the PC standards today, Mötley Crüe manages to get away with it and not appear as dated as it may first sound.

Each member had their moment to shine as they lapped it up in front of the adoring 30,000 strong crowd.


Speaking of members, Tommy Lee just couldn’t help himself as fans were very close to getting more than they bargained for.


In true form he asked for women to take their tops off, and many obliged.


It led to Tommy wanting to return the favour as he shouted out: “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” and started undoing his trousers.

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