October 6, 2024

In a new interview with Andrew Daly of Guitar World, Tom Hamilton spoke about AEROSMITH‘s recent announcement that he and his bandmates were finished with touring for good due to Steven Tyler‘s vocal injury. He said: “I was surprised but not shocked when I got the news. When Steven fell, he hit his larynx on a railing and fractured it. I still can’t believe he finished the show. It’s not the first time he’s had an injury during a show and powered through it. I know how hard he worked on healing and working on getting ready to go on the road again — but it just wasn’t possible.”

Asked about the state of AEROSMITH now, Tom said: “It was a punch in the gut finding our touring days are over. Maybe someday we can do something again, but it won’t be a tour. I’ve been keeping busy playing in a band we’re calling CLOSE ENEMIES. We’ve recorded a bunch of killer songs and we’re getting closer to deciding how we’re going to put it out. Can’t wait!”

Last month, Hamilton was asked by AARP how much hope AEROSMITH has of future activities on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being “doubtful we’ll do anything” and 10 being “Yes, we’ll be doing something”. The AEROSMITH bassist said: “On the hope scale, I’m somewhere between 7 and 9. We won’t be doing any tours from now on, but I’ll always have hope that other types of opportunities will come along. This isn’t the first time black clouds have been on our horizon — and somehow the sun managed to come out. Time and hope are all we have at the moment.”

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